剧情:《投票局奇怪的记录》特种兵沈腊与生俱来的阴阳眼。在云南边境抓捕毒枭的任务中,他无意中进入了古滇国的一个洞穴,遇到了复活的古代祭祀尸体。沈腊的队伍几乎全军覆没。在这千钧一发之际,神秘的白发男子吴勉救出了沈拉和缉毒警察孙德胜。木乃伊事件后,两人偶然进入“民俗调查研究局”,在灵异事件中逐渐成长,揭开了另一个世界的面纱。This is a ubiquitous but unknown world. In this world, there is a mysterious department with great powers hidden from the eyes of the world. The legends that are still in the mortal world are invisible, intangible but real strong shields to all living beings. To demons and heretics, they are thorns in the flesh that people want to get rid of quickly. They are just flesh-and-blood people who have love and hate, joy and sorrow. They are in the great world, and the world in their hearts is insignificant, but extremely important.-。